Squshies Weekly Recap

I'm participating in the #creativedaily photo challenge this month. This set of photo prompts was designed with creative business owners in mind.  I'm hoping to have better luck following along than I did with the last photo challenge I tried. 
I think daily photo challenges are a fun way to share what is going on around here in the world of Squshies. So here's a week of Instgram photos, because taking phone photos is how I do these things.
New Supplies
1. New - New supplies for a new project for a new year!
Old Pincushion
2. OldI use this old plushie as a pin cushion. I call him Pustulio. 
Colorful Origami
3. Favorite Color I can't choose a favorite color. I like them all. These are the origami flowers I have hanging from the ceiling. These decorated the aisle at our zoo wedding. They were really fun to make and they've been a wonderful way to add color to a room.
pastel pink
4. Least Favorite Color -  I like pink now but I used to hate it! When I pick pinks now they're usually really bright pinks. Still not a huge fan of pastel baby pinks.
monkey lists
5. Lists - Sunday morning I was drinking coffee out of my favorite coffee mug enjoying the warm weather here in Southern California. I was also doing research for March Monkey Madness. March Monkey Madness is generating a whole lot of lists. I think I've finally got the final list of monkeys to make.
Owlbear Notecard

6. Notes - We write Squshies thank you notes on little note cards like this. This Owlbear one went out this week.

needle felted dinos
7.  Package -  Here's how we package our needle felt dinos. We try to keep our packaging simple but our needle felt guys do get one of these special handmade boxes with their story.
Disney On Ice
This week we also went to see Disney on Ice. I love Disney on Ice. So much fun. 
If you'd like to join in on #creativedaily you can find the prompts here on Lu & Ed's Blog.
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