Display Adventures

We've been busy, busy, busy getting ready for our upcoming show. For the most part it has been researching things. How should we handle receipts? How is the best way to deal with sales tax? What is the best option for packaging?  
How can we hook things on to our wire racks?  That was one of the projects for today. Our original idea involved S-hooks. They fell off too easy, unless we closed up one side. That was no good because we couldn't move or rearrange anything.
paper clips
I had a crazy idea to try paper clips. Bingo! They don't fall off the wire racks and they are easy to move around and re-position. Also inexpensive. We were going to just get plain silver ones but we found awesome teal and purple ones. They go great with our felt backdrops. They were also a better size.
felt ornament display
Since we finally had hooks, I did a little test run with the dog ornaments. The felt backdrop isn't in place properly and the the paper clips aren't bent quite right, but I think it went quite well. It was really great to see how the display would look with a lot of items.
stamp making
Jason is also working on a stamp! We've been talking about making a stamp for a long time and we finally got the materials in the mail. We think it will be a fun way to make our bags for the show more fun.

There is so many things to consider and research for a show. It felt great to make some solid progress on parts of the list.
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