Origami Week 4

Yay! Week 4 of origami. Not much this week.  More time was spent on projects other than paper folding this week. Some of that time was for pieces of Halloween costumes, but more on that after Halloween =)
Anyways here is this week's pile.
 Some lilies. Tried my hand at folding thicker paper on a lily with the yellow one in front. Went pretty well. And of course a pile of petals. Got a small paper cutter this week so cutting up the scrapbook paper is now way faster and has a cleaner edge.
I've also been practicing that dinosaur. He's got a lot of reverse folds which I find pretty difficult. Didn't manage to level up to fancy paper with this model yet. Jason has been messing with my experiments trying to find ways to make them so they stand up better.  Most of them stand so think that has been solved.
 And Jason made a Stegosaurus out of scrap book paper and tried a new Triceratops model.  Apparently the Triceratops is pretty difficult but so snazzy looking!
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