Hello Squshie friends! It's been a while, but we're back!
I realized I'd written about our move in the newsletter, but I totally forgot to post on the blog!

After months of searching we finally found a place to live in the Bay Area! Well not quite the Bay Area. We ended up in Stockton, much further east than we were planning, but we found a cute little house to rent!
I've been working on Squshies again, Jason is loving his new job and we're all unpacked, minus some decorations. We're still adjusting to this new life but things are looking up.
Now that we're feeling settled it's time to get Squshies up and running again. The shop has been re-opened!
Although it has been a bit quiet on the Squshies front for the majority of the year, I've been hard at work on a bunch of projects!
We've got whole bunch of new animal portraits in the works for a gallery show in September. Above you can see a sneak peek at a couple of the portraits I've cut as well as the massive pile of frames for the show.
Getting everything ready for the gallery show is the top priority project at the moment, but the overhaul of the Squshie designs to a new and improved look is also in the works as well as our very first coloring book!
To be sure not to miss any updates on upcoming projects and Squshie releases be sure to sign up for our newsletter! Our newsletter goes out every week to every other week, depending on the news we have to share. Subscribers get special offers and fun free downloads as well as Squshie updates and nature news.