Happy Birthday Squshies!
We always celebrate the beginnings of Squshies with Beauregard's and Reginald's birthdays. Beauregard the Hippo made his first appearance on March 8th, 2012 and Reginald the Rhino made his on March 11th.
Technically we started the Squshies shop a few months before their birthdays, but we hadn't quite figured out what we were doing or where we were going with them. With these 2 animals everything fell into place. We found direction and our mascots. Everything always starts with and goes back to these two.
It is amazing to think we've been doing this for 3 years! Squshies have grown so much in that time and we have you to thank for that! Without your support and love for these cartoon felt animals we wouldn't be celebrating 3 years.
Here's to another great year of Squshies. As always we've got tons of ideas and plans in the works and we'll hope you continue to join us on this crazy adventure.
As always for our birthday celebration we're having a sale! March 8th - March 11th use coupon code CAKEMISTAKE to save 15% on any in stock items. If that wasn't exciting enough this coupon code is good on our already marked down Spring Cleaning Sale items. A great time to get a Squshie!