Time for another weekly update with super fancy Instagram pictures! Really surprised I've been mostly keeping up with the photo a day challenge.

Day 8 : Corner
This is the clean corner of the studio. I recently found a good way to hang up my non-felt fabric and my embroidery hoops. I also amassed a huge collection of cardboard fruit crates from Trader Joe's over the summer. The crates have been super handy in organizing all the various works in progress. The other corner of the work rooms is an unorganized explosion of felt =/
Day 9: Pink
Day 9 of the photo challenge was pink. I was finishing up a little batch of Sir Francis the Pig that day, Also the stamp Jason hand carved was finished and ready to be tested on the bags we are using for the show.
Our first test of the stamp didn't go so well. We couldn't get all of the stamp to contact the paper with enough pressure. After quite a few attempts, we worked out a way to make it work pretty good. It isn't perfect, but not too shabby for a first attempt at a hand carved stamp.
Day 10: Hands
Hazel decided I needed a break from all the sewing and to give her some attention. So I scratched her chin for a bit. She has been super demanding about attention lately and having play time this last week. She even tried to climb on my shoulder, which isn't something she normally does. I think Hazel feels that I've been sewing too much and not cat snuggling enough.
Day 11: M is for...
M is for Meerkat! Today I started labeling, tagging and pricing things for DesignerCon. Glad I decided to get an early jump on this particular project. It has taken a lot of time already and I'm far from done.
Day 12: Below
Ouch! I was at a beach wedding on this day. Since the prompt was 'below' here is the nasty sunburn I got below my leggings because I forgot sunscreen on my legs. I was going to take a picture of the sand below my feet, but I forgot to do that. I also forgot just how reflective sand can be =(
Day 13: Watching
We usually take a break at night to watch a movie and relax. So we took a little break from all the Squshies to go to a late night movie. Finally watched Cloudy 2. Didn't like it as much as the 1st, but it was still a lot of fun. Especially all the foodimals.
Day 14: Favorite Space
Today I was supposed to take a picture of a favorite space. I was going to use my favorite place to sit outside. I got a bit too involved in working on a big project for the show and didn't remember until it was dark out. This picture works too though. My little black folding table is my favorite indoor work space, and as it gets colder I'll be spending more and more time using it.
So that's another week of Squshies! The main bits and pieces of our DesignerCon display, like the very large rhino above, are coming together really nicely and I'm getting excited. Can't wait to show everyone!