Been a few weeks since I've done a recap. Leading up to and during the giveaway there just wasn't much to recap. I typed lots. Lots and lots. After setting up the giveaways I posted about them a lot on Facebook and Twitter. Not very exciting for a week in review.
Now that the birthday celebration is over I've been back to a whole lot of sewing. Almost done making all of the regular critters and getting a better idea of how long each takes to make. Once I finish I'll be moving on to new critters and new projects.
We're seriously considering Designer Con this year so we need to have lots of critters ready to be prepared for that and the holiday season. Yup. Thinking about the holiday season in March. The last batch of critters I've been working on has mostly been the dogs and the woodland creatures.
Also check out this hamburger bun bag from Trader Joe's! Anything look familiar? Apparently they are a fan of a certain free font too.
Not too much excitement to blog about. Not very many pictures of I've what I've been working on either. Oops. I was going through the photos for the last few weeks and realized instead of what I've been working on photos I'd mostly taken photos of Hazel.
Over the last 2-3 there were probably at 30-40 pictures of the cat. But look at her! She's been exceptionally cute the last few weeks. How could I resist taking pictures?
Now time for me to get back to sewing! And possibly write up my post about the honey badger. Got lots of fun videos from our latest trip to the zoo that I want to share.